Thursday, September 09, 2010

reformelb: 3D parcels revealed

the application of the voronoi definition and 4 point junctional attractor logic across the site creates an extremely dense connectivity network but compromises the sizes of building grains and parcel sizes. as such there is a need to minimize the paths network so as to agglomerate definitively smaller grains to larger ones. this has been achieved through the employment of a simple proximity script within the grasshopper application in rhino3d which identifies a specified number of closest nodes and reconnects them.

program distinctions through path ratios
parcels on site
surface curvature control for walkability
parcel height definition through gridded path ratios

the next stage was to translate 2D diagramming into 3D parcels. path intersection ratios across a grid placed on site were analyzed and translated into podium heights. subsequently the same ratios were used to define parcel programs.

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