Thursday, September 09, 2010

reformelb: pathway plan diagramming

there has been much debate with regards to the application of voronoi geometry in architecture. however it should be noted that many of these manifestations apply the voronoi logic to superfical systems of facade or other structures of patterning and decoration.this should be highly avoided. on the contrary at an urban scale, the voronoi logic comes in extremely useful and functional because it identifies spatial definitions around a node or attractor that is closest to that node than any other. a simple voronoi definition can as such provide a foundational spatial basis for the applications of other parametric processes.

identifying parcels
pathway bundling through closest line identification
voronoi patterned pathway across site
re-identifying junctional attractors through voronoi network
basic voronoi network & junctional radii

this series of iterative plan pathway diagramming was generated through grasshopper definition specifying a basic voronoi network, subsequently interjected with algorithms to identify junctional attractors that assist in building the parth network to define resultant parcels.

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